March 17, 2010

Happy Saint Patricks Day!

Happy Saint Patricks Day!  What better way to celebrate than with Alice musings...

I wondered across this Vogue photo spread from the December 2003 issue!  Absolutely timeless.

Remember those gloves Alice wore?  Miss Margaret at the French Bear knits little wristlets for her daughter.  She is going to knit a pair for me!  (her cost is about $25 if you are intersted).  I hope she doesn't mind that I'm advertising her services, poor thing!  She could end up knitting for weeks!  I'm so excited and I'll share pictures once I have them.

Yes, this is the correct way to hold a bunny...I'm impressed! 

Lyonn is entralled with these rabbits.


Jessi Nagy said...

hey doll,
happy st patty's day!!
yuppers she a barbie!!!

A said...

happy st. patty's!

Annabel Manners said...

I'm very curious about "Alice I Have Been." Heard a piece about it on NPR and I might just have to grab it. Happy St. Patrick's day!

bunny, The Paris House said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Sweetie!! Love all things Alice in Wonderland and I can't wait to see the movie.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

The movie was so great. I can't wait to see it again. I too was impressed they the bunny was being held in the correct manner. Made my heart happy!
hugs and friends,