March 02, 2010

Welcome Spring!

happy March!  Its almost Spring, which I adore, but I'm not a fan of summer, so I'm trying not to think about it.  All the work I'm doing to my skin and the horrid non-UV'd sun will ruin it, just driving home from work.  With tinted windows. and SPF 105.  Sigh.  For now I'm going to enjoy spring!

This blog that I've discovered reminds me of spring; Its fresh, inspiring. Written by a 13-year old girl!  Wow, that's inspiring. Aspire. by Ms. Hannah.  You have to visit this blog!

Her love for our Lord is amazing. I'm impressed and aspire to have more of that myself.  Again.  Life tends to get the best of us at times, doesn't it?  And her love of beauty.  Beautiful things are our to enjoy and tend to and adore. 

So enjoy spring!  And all the adorable little bunny things that we see everywhere! 

This is a site that I received via email.  Many beautiful spring things here.  Oh, and her HAIR!  I love it!  I can't wait for mine to grow!


Hannah Nicole said...

Aw, thank you so much! You made my day! :)

Love & Blessings,

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

I am ready for the sun!!

La Belette Rouge said...

13? Wow! That is impressive. And, your hair is gorgeous as it is.

Susu Paris Chic said...

Loving the Lord is the most beautiful thing of all. Fashion comes second... All lovely things are there to be enjoyed - if you remember what place they should hold.

l'air du temps said...

it does seem like the sun is so much closer, it's exciting, beautiful springtime!!

i'll pop over on Hanna's blog, it sounds like it's really sweet...