March 09, 2010

A Craft Attic of One's Own

How I long to have one....Hello, I've been hanging out on Facebook as of late and discovered Songbird, a wonderful new friend a couple of days ago.
Her creative blog is incredible! She has a craft attic; it just sounds delightful. I'm 1/4 dutch, and I think it is wonderful that she writes both in English and Dutch. I really know nothing of my culture, to my detriment, but I intend to learn. I often mention that I deeply aspire to live in Europe once I retire (I'll retire relatively early) and then start a new career of sort, hopefully in academia as I am an avid reader,writer, thinker and pontificater! Ok, I do like numbers, I'm a bit of a nerd, albeit a fashion afficianda!

Oh, the Netherlands just evokes such a warm, wonderful, whimsical place in my mind. I would love to travel there. I look forward to learning about culture and all about her crafting ideas. I'm trying to get back into crafting, it is a wonderful outlet after working with numbers all day and studying (MBA). I'm torturing my home at the moment and a few scrapbooks.

After meeting Songbird, I had to read a bit about the 12th annual Amerstdam Fashion Week

Isn't Mirte Maas lovely?  Those eyes.  She's a new favorite of mine!
She is so tiny and cute!

Jimmy Choos!  They feel like slippers!  Oh how I long for my poor sprained foot(yes, STILL, I know....) to be healed for these... favorite look

Happy Tuesday dear friends!

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