December 04, 2009

Free Owl Gift Tags and Cheesecake (not free!)

I thought these were so cute that I wanted to share; I've just downloaded 3 pages and they are so adorable

Speaking of cute, vist my home blog to see this adorable Tartan Cheesecake!!


Susu Paris Chic said...

Wow what a cheesecake!

As an answer to your question... You did see right about the ring. But not only was I engaged... I'm actually married to a cute (in my eyes, huh huh) Frenchman. The beautiful wedding day was a year and some ago. If you want to read more about it, go here...

I've been thinking about you and your winter jacket - did you end up keeping it? It does look very Parisian.

Globetrotting Gamine said...

Yippee! I love cake almost as much as I love your blog! Thak you for giving me the opp to post about you! Check out my blog today if you can!

Have a wonderful week!

