December 04, 2009

Thanksgiving Table

I can't believe I hadn't published this; it was still in my 'drafts'  obviously Thanksgiving is over...have I mentioned I'm feeling very behind in my personal life as of late??! 

This was my table without the table settings, eeeek, or candles (why did I photograph it in this incomplete state??)

The reason I'm even publishing this so late is because I love the little Indian corn (ahhahah) my sweetheart Edgar IS an Indian, although he would correct me and say "Native American", but just in the event that he reads this, I have to laugh about the name; and yes, I do have the maturity of an 8-year old!

And the little pheasants; I found them at a little pop up shop in Cabazon Outlet Center (by Palm Springs-worth going to if you visit Palm Springs) a few years ago, and their little sweet faces make me smile each year when I take them out.  

CHRISTMAS posts to follow!

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