September 23, 2009

Happy Fall!

J Crew

Happy Fall!

Fall is my ultimate favorite time of year. I have a sense of renewal and clarity for the home, self and wardrobe. Possibilities seem so endless in the fall. My fall rituals include decorating the outside of my home the last weekend of September and buying pumpkins from a local patch. {It's still very hot where I live (which I hate!), so sometimes the pumpkins aren't available until October}. Fall is also my favorite time to shop for fashions; fall fashions, the magazines, blogs, advertisement just seem more inspiring in the fall.

My little ones were all born in the fall as well, which makes them even more special to me. Wooley, my 'baby' was born October 1, almost 12-years ago this October! My rescue bunny, Madelaine, has unknown birth date, so I've given her the date of December 1, and rounding out my 'family', my almost-1-year-old baby Lionhead, Lyonn, was born November 2, 2008.

My fiancé and I are contemplating a Fall wedding, but that may have to wait until NEXT Fall (something to look forward to!).


Princess Freckles said...

I'm getting married October 24th! Best time of year!

the NEO-traditionalist said...

Can't wait to hear more about your upcoming wedding plans. Isn't it fun contemplating where and when?!
XX Kate

Jennifer Fabulous said...

A fall wedding sounds lovely!
And fall is my favorite season for shopping too! There is something so fabulous and cozy about dark colors and tweed. Sigh...if only I had money to shop. Lol.
Okay, so it seems we have a lot in common, which I find very exciting! (I read your sidebar, lol). I adore rabbits and up until last year, always had one. They are my favorite animal. I'm looking at the pics of yours and they are SO freaking cute!!
Also, I noticed your fiance is Native American. My boyfriend is half Sioux. ;)
And lastly, this is something I wish we had in common: shoe closet. I'm totally jealous your fiance is making you one. Sounds amazing!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

I am so glad it is fall, or feeling like it is getting close at least! Thick tights and sweaters, boots and scarves! Yeah, my favorite time of year!!

Unknown said...

I have three Autumn babies too :) I was always big and pregnant in the fall, lol! I LOVE that skirt with the long socks, too darn cute!

l'air du temps said...

i must admit i adore summertime, and i am a summer baby. but after what you have just written, i just might 'fall' for this time of year even more;) how gorgeous all the lovely happenings in falltime for you. beautiful babies, beautiful bunnies and lovely love.

i'm inspired!

AJLinBoston said...

Your post makes me excited for the fall! (Actually, I'm wearing tights for the first time today - I guess that means summer is really over.) Thanks for visiting my blog by the way, I love hearing from new people!

Mama Elle said...

Yeah... I'm ready to go pumpkin picking NOW. Darn California :op

Thanks for stopping by my blog :o)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think a Fall wedding would be lovely. Such gorg color options! And I'm dying for those over the knee socks!

Red Lipstick said...

Congratulations Princess Freckles! I'm so happy for you! I couldn't agree more, your wedding will be lovely!

Red Lipstick said...

It is fun contemplating the where and when of a wedding, isn't it! It's going to be intimate, it is the 2nd for each of us. I would love an East Coast wedding in the fall, just the nice crisp air, the leave, *sigh* ;-) The coordination has been difficult for us and with him starting a new business, well, I would hate for him to spend the wedding on the phone, haha!

Red Lipstick said...

Hi Jennifer, It seems like I have more in common with people I'm meeting on blogs that people in my daily life! Which makes sence actually since we are seeking people with our interests. Please visit my blog Friday for pictures of Wooley's birthday party! He's going to be 12-years old tomorrow! That's funny about our guys! Ed is soooo proud to be native, they really have quite a history. I had never known an Indian prior to him, but my mom said she had an Indian doll growing up, which Ed thinks is hysterical! I'm still waiting for my shoe closet! ;)

Whitney said...

Fall is the most amazing time to get married!