March 31, 2010

Days Off!

"happy Easter my dears"

I am so looking forward to having a few days off from work!  I'm bouncing around like a little child in anticipation!  There are so many things to do at home, projects just sitting around, spring cleaning, and of course the necessary: taxes, home paperwork.  But I'm looking forward to some relaxation and fun as well: reading, blogging, lots of workouts and RUNNING (yay!) each day, which I look forward to daily, but usually plod along in the evenings because I am so tired.

I see that spell check is back on Blogger...what a spectacular Easter gift!!!

And of course Good Friday and Easter services, a visit with my mom. And maybe, just maybe, making peace with my camera and taking pictures again.  All of these cute outfits, and no pictures to show for it!  AND, the weather is going to be rainy, which is my favorite weather. Oh how I wish I could live where there is rainfall everyday!

Happy Easter week my dears! 

Are these the cutest bunny cupcakes ever?!


l'air du temps said...

thank you for such a lovely post. happy easter to you!! enjoy your time and pretty outfits, and the weather you especially like... sounds so exciting and peaceful at the same time.


Princess Freckles said...

Enjoy your time off! I hope its wonderful and relaxing for you!

Unknown said...

Oh That Audrey cafe look so cute!!! Oh fun!
I am on face book and will join a cause for animals anytime :)
I have French obsession going on and a give away. You could link your post about Paris. It was super nice.
Happy Easter. What a great time to remember that our Savior is resurrected :)

BonjourRomance said...

Just found your marvelous blog via Frenchy Chic and your Paris post. I'mm be following laong wil be back soon. Enjoy your day off!
Happy Easter week to you too,

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Happy Easter Bunnies!
hugs and friends,

Lesli said...

love the cupcakes!