January 16, 2010

Happy 2010!

I can't wait to start blogging again. I miss chatting with each of you; I've been reading your blogs but have been too exhausted to post on mine (or lazy??!) I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I enjoyed time with my fiancĂ©’s visiting children and the time to work on projects at home. I also had some injuries - a bruised chest wall (I know, the dr doesn't know what caused that either, but it was so painful - MUCH better now!) and because I tried to run while feeling so weak, I ended up with a (according to the drs) "severe" sprained ankle. I won't run for at least another 2 weeks...I'm dying over this!! And what does 'severe' mean anyway?! ggggggrrrr!

My mom is quite ill and I'm heartbroken over it; this of course is part of the reason for my exhaustion (yes, that was my actual diagnosis, strange, right?!) I'll share with you in case anyone has had experience with it: she's in the first stages of dementia; and she's not comfortable talking with me about it, so it’s very difficult. I'm thankful that Edgar has had experience in dealing with this with his parents, so he's been great.

I'm going to DC in a week and hope to really focus on the blog on my 'down time' since I won't be able to go running at the Mall like I usually love to do. I am going to a ballet (Romeo and Juliet) while I am there; I've very excited about that. I 'hope' to be able to wear actual cute boots by then (I've been wearing yoga shoes with my removable cast; sooooo attractive, well, at least the shoes are cute!). Heels are out for a while (a month?!) ugh. Oh how I miss them!

I've been Facebooking, and playing 'Farmville', a fun game that Edgar's children showed me. They play it so it’s a fun way to stay connected. Send a friend request to me if you are on Facebook! My id or user name is "Shari Bradley".

I'm going to Los Angeles today; to pick up clothes from the tailor, stop in a t Bliss Spa for a manicure (smile!), and visit my mom. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Lastly, I'm going to have a small "happy 2010" giveaway, I just have to post the pictures (I think the picture thing is what exhausts me! haha). I'll announce it tomorrow or Monday. A big THANK YOU for staying with me though this very sparse blogging time!


Suburban Princess said...

Yay!!! You are back!! You have been missed!

I am sorry to hear about your mom...btdt with my gran and it isnt fun :O( Dont forget to take care of yourself!

Enjoy your trip to LA! Sounds like a fun day!

I thought about you the other night - I was putting on a dress and deciding which tights to wear with it and you popped into my head! We are forever linked by tights lol!

Susu Paris Chic said...

I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing... Things happen in life and there are all kinds of times. I'm sending you a huge hug and wishing you sweet times of recovery. Take it easy dear. That ballet will do you good.

Here... another hug my dear!

Lesli said...

Stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year.

So sorry to hear about your mom--I cannot even imagine how difficult that must be.

I love the Bliss Spas - they are the best.

Take care,


Jennifer said...

sorry to hear about your Mom...you'll all be in my prayers...
Jennifer aka Gigi