November 02, 2009

What Kind of Hostess are YOU?

Have you seen the new issue of Martha Stewart Living?  I'm just swooning over Martha's fall style.  I love her tables settings, so beautiful and elegant!  So what kind of hostess are you? Take the quiz!


Centsational Girl said...

I'm off to take the quiz... but I know I will fall short of Martha. Who can keep up with the Queen ?


Beth Dunn said...

I'm the kind that wishes I was more like MS. But I try. xoxo


Shari said...

Hi! This is the "other" Shari from Poplar Porch. Thanks for stopping in and introducing youself.It's great to meet you! This is a great little blog you've got here.

I took the quiz. The results were "A hostess inspired by Martha." I don't know if I'd go that far, but I try.