October 03, 2009


I bought my home brand new 7-years ago today!  Ironic that I chose today to roll out my Home Blog, right?  This was not planned, it was onlny as I am writing this post that I realized it!  

3-years ago, my home became our home as my fiance and I combined our respective homes into this one.  We have multiples of everything!  During the first few months we sold, donated and stored our way into a cohesive abode and I am still working to make various pieces of furniture 'fit'.  It seems somewhat irresponsible to get rid of expensive pieces just because they don't fit; they may work in a future home! 

Because I bought the home while it was being built, I was able to choose the granite, flooring, and incredibly enough, the builder had added a loft above the dining room which adds an entire room to the house.  I've been working on my home for years, between work and school, trying with very limited knowledge to make it spectaular.  I've discovered some very creative bloggers out there who have really inspired me to try some projects that I otherwise would not have.  As you may have guessed TIME is always the issue for me, not having enough of it, but I work in projects between work and studying.

Since I did not have to deal with problem areas, you might say I've had clean canvas on which to work.  So while I have done alot, there is much more to be done.  I walk through the rooms and think about what project I want to attack start next!


Boubou said...

Bonjour ! First time i come across your blog, i wanted to invite you to check out my daily collage inspirations on my blog boubouteatime if you have some time, i hope you will like the visit ! a bientot :)

Red Lipstick Style said...

Thank you so much for visiting, Bouchra, and I will certainly visit your blog. I hope to have many more pictures and projects to share in the coming months.