One purpose of creating a home blog was to become better organized. I will be able to document my projects via the blog and hopefully have a more organized home and therefore, life!
I store my photos on the computer; however, what I had not done was back up the computer. After their look of horror dissipated, it was recommended by the guys at Best Buy that I do this monthly. Another item to calendar, but obviously very well worth it.
A few months ago, I spent a Saturday afternoon organizing my folders. Also, I keep an Inventory folder for the home inventory which my insurance company requires. You may want to check with your company because if you are claiming higher than average coverage, proof is required. When I was on mandatory fire evacuation (that still haunts me) 3-years ago, I promised myself I would document each and every item in my home. So, photo organization provides a three-fold benefit. Not only are my photos organized and I can enjoy them for years to come, but many of my blogging photos of my home and fashion can also be used as ‘evidence’ and they end up in my Home Inventory file (benefit: organization, sharing/blog, inventory).
Weekly or monthly, I download my camera onto the computer and organize the pictures into download folder. Then I organize them into the appropriate folder.
In my pictures folder, I have a folder labeled “Folders”. In this file I have several sub folders. For trips, I have named the trip and the year (CT 2006, NYC 2006); I have a folder for Ed’s son, a folder for Ed, a folder for bunnies, a folder for holidays. Within each folder, I have sub-folders for events that I want to separate from the general pictures for that year. (Bunnies/Wooley/12th b-day) or (Drew/2009/12th b-day) {yes, both Edgar’s son and Wooley rabbit had their 12th b-days 2 month’s apart!}. At the end of each year, I move this entire folder into a New Folder labeled (ie:) 2006. I’ll then create another set for the following year.
So, When I click on 2006, for example, I will see all of the folders I had created for that year: CT 2006, Children 2006, Bunnies 2006. The sub folders will still be under the main folder.
I’ve found this to be quick and efficient and I can find what I need. The Inventory folder is the only one not divided by years, I just keep adding to it, or deleting if I get rid of something (like the old washer/dryer and replaced it with the LGs). This folder has subfolders divided by Clothing, furniture, then by room. I just update the folder each week/month as I take pictures to keep it current.
Wow you sound very organised indeed! I have my photos in folders too, going by subject, but I haven't gone the extra step to note the year. Good idea to have a folder for the insurance company. I haven't done that yet but I should!
So full of wonderful and very useful ideas
Wow, you are so organized! I am pretty good with paper stuff but, for some reason, not with my home computer. Thank you for the good tips.
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