October 21, 2009

Are You Getting an H1N1 Vaccine?

...Once the H1N1 vaccine becomes available, we will provide information on availability and schedules. ...

My company offers them, so I'm trying to decide. I probably will, I tend to get get bronchitis every year and last year I had pneumonia as well. NOT having a replay of that this year!!! Maybe because I run at night?

What does everyone else think about it? Are you going to get one?

So in a effort to keep warm, this is my Anthro wish.  LOVE this scarf and gloves, and sweater too of course.


Jesse said...

Thank you for all your lovely comments, they make my day! I am leaving for the the States on the 12th of Nov but i'll be mainly on the East Coast, I have about 8 hours in San Fran on my way home, though, which will be the 10th of Dec, haha :)

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Love the scarf you featured! You always pick out such great pieces!

I'm kind of undecided still on the H1N1 vaccine...the last thing I want is to get sick and be out of work for 2 weeks, but I'm a little worried about side effects, since it hasn't been out that long. I'm seriously considering it though!

Susu Paris Chic said...

I'm not completely sure, but I probably will end up taking the shot. France has been hardly hit, especially Paris, by the epidemic. Keeping warm is the first thing... Have a relaxing weekend!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't considering getting the shot, but my application for substitute teaching has finally gone through, so I will be surrounded by many many students now. I should probably get the shot. Ouch! Also, I love the gloves. I just bought two pairs of beautiful leather gloves to start getting ready for the season. I'm dying to wear them, but it's not quite cold enough down here in Texas.

Bunny,The Paris House said...

I think we will all try and get it when its available here. I too have bronchitis really bad, its terrible!! love the scarf and stay well!!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

I so badly want that Anthro scarf.

As for the H1N1.. no. I am not getting it because I don't go out that often to begin with.

I'm at home most of the time, until I get a contract, and I may not get one until next year so.. no point, really.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I posted about that gorg scarf too. I NEED it!

Miss Cavendish said...

Gorgeous scarf and gloves!