What and incredible movie. I was riveted to the screen. I didn't even make my usual trip to the restroom half way through, even though I was enjoying a Starbucks decaf coffee. Anna Wintour had Starbucks throughout the movie **sigh** (that's one thing we have in common haha). Even Edgar enjoyed it, being a fan of documentaries in general, and we had a good discussion afterwards (I mention that because that showed me that he was paying attention, not napping!)
I think this was perfect timing for this movie, with the beginning of fashion week. I was impressed with the relationship between Anna Wintour and Creative Director, Grace Coddington. As well as her relationship with her daughter, offering support for her daughter's career choice of Law even though you could see her desire for her daughter to go into fashion. Grace, as stated by Anna herself, is an integral part of the magazine's success.
Oh how I wish I would have saved my September issues thru the years! Have you saved your issues?
If you love fashion, this movie is a must. I look forward to delving further into the creative genius process for papers for my masters. Have you seen the movie? What do you think?!
not sure how i did not hear about this documentary. i'm usually up on what's up and worth seeing in films. you are the 2nd person to mention this that i've read in blog land. ok, i'm in, i'll see it soon. seems like it's a good one!
Can't wait it to get to Paris! I'll have to browse right now to try to find out when. Maybe when we get our fashion week at the beginning of October.
Susu, if you go, you will have to take LOTS of pictures!
l'air du temps, Its just information overload, I really believe that. Far toooo much cool stuff to keep up on. I'm sure you will love it!
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