Black Nail Polish
I really enjoyed Indian Market, despite the verrrry hot temperatures! On Friday, fiance found a great spa for me to have a mani and pedi which I have been dying to have. I couldn't resist the black polish. Bought some incredible pepermint shea butter salve, which I plan to wear at nightime for my dry hands and feet. It makes them feel like butter. Found a very cute top, which I'll photograph next week and took tons of pictures of artwork. Tomorrow the artists of all types (painting, bronze, jewelrey, clothing, mixed media) will have their exhibits. Tonight we attended about 8 gallery shows (I lost track). Wanted to buy some art, but the prices were starting at about $3,500.Had to share this picture of the black polish!
The Staircase is very cool. The Gothic Loretto Chapel has a the staircase referred to as miraculous, inexplicable, marvelous and is sometimes called St. Joseph’s Staircase. The stairway confounds architects, engineers and master craftsmen. It makes over two complete 360-degree turns, stands 20’ tall and has no center support. It rests solely on its base and against the choir loft. The risers of the 33 steps are all of the same height. Made of an apparently extinct wood species, it was constructed with only square wooden pegs without glue or nails. There were a few very nice chapels/churches in the town square.A few pictures of the adventure:

Cool, how do you like the black polish? I've been curious to try it! I just did my nails but they always chip so fast!
Oh my gosh, it chipped so badly that I had to take it off yesterday!
I read 'how to make a manicure last for 7-days' on blog. So yesterday I bought the products: OPI chip skip, the OPI nail conditioner and the Sencha top coat (I have the OPI polish), so tonight I am going to paint them! I'm hoping it will last this time!
I do love the toes though!
That staircase is gorgeous!
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