February 24, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

I'm going to visit my mom for her birthday! Spend the night, watch Shopaholic and have some quality girly time with her!

I've decided to merge both of my blogs into one because as much as I'd love to, I just don't have the time to maintain both of them. I'm going to divide the fashion posts and the home decorating posts and any other randomness by tabs, as opposed to labels. That's proving fun to learn. For all the programming I do, I've never done this! Although I've contacted a couple of people who do this, everyone is busy. If you know of anyone who does blog sites, who might make my tabs, please let me know!

Happy Wednesday and maybe I can sneak in a picture of my mom. She's very camera shy!

I'll leave you with a couple of hair styles that I'm obsessing over, as I wait for my hair to grow...

look of bangs without really being bangs...
so long and lush!

I love this hair color.

February 22, 2010

Saturday in a sweet little town

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!  I had planned to prepare documents to submit to the CPA for taxes (eeek), but the weather was nice and rain, very cool, just the way I like it, so I had to spend time out of doors and enjoy wearing scarves, hats, jackets, boots, ***sigh***.  I have been horrible about take pictures lately, but I will do better! 

Saturday Edgar and I went to a cute little town called Julian. Known for its apple pies and a weekend destination, cute little shops and great hiking.  The plan was to hike after I bought Edgar a valentine sugar-free apple pie (I'm converting him, little by little, haha!) to take home and we walked around the town in the rain, however a little detour down an out-of-the-way road caused the time to get away from (me!). 

I met the sweetest lady, Debbie, at Funky Spun, who raises angora rabbits and she sells spun angora wool hats, cloches, scarves, gloves, wraps.  The web site doesn't have nearly all of the beautiful products she has. She had her 8 pound angora in the shop with her, with whom I fell IN LOVE!  He was HUGE and so sweet and adorable.  So we spent about 1 1/2 hours talking bunnies.  And exchaning information.  In the event one of her lovely angoras needs a new home.  Just in case.  I love big bunnies, they are like little dogs, following you around!  Of course I bought a cute wooley cloche in spring mint green, with pink; looks like something that ETSY would have and it is so nice to support a small business.

Sunday was a 6-7 mile hike in Rancho Bernardo, again in the light rain, so nice and refreshing.  The hike was great, first time out since the whole foot injury thing in December.  Yes, I'm wearing a foot and ankle wrap today under FLAT boots (I think that's why I've not had any desire to the pictures...I've been wearing flat shoes for 2 months!)  I like my boots, but a girl needs HEELS! ;)

Simliar hat here:

And here:

February 19, 2010

The French Love of Dogs

**My sweet friend Princess Freckles gave me some information about this photo.  It was taken by Avedon and these photos are on tour in the U.S.  I'm hoping they will come to California because they would so devine to see up close

I've discoverd a wonderful blog in my online wanderings, French Sampler.  I love the French culture and Ms. Dash takes her readers on her adventures with her in the most charming way. 

I've fallen in love with one of the photos* she posted:

by Avedon

As a child, I longed for an Afghan Hound!  I had intended to groom her hair like Barbie: clips, barrettes, food coloring to make some pink strands; sigh, how how lovely she would have been.  Perhaps that's the reason my parents said NO, and instead I had a fiesty little silky terrier who tore a chunk out of my nose!  {I still have the little scar; I really believe the immediate action for medical care was key here!}

February 18, 2010

Sunshine Award for my Followers!

I received a Sunshine award from Ms.Lesli at her blog, Pretty Random Thoughts. The Sunshine Award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blog world.

With this in mind, I would like to give this award to each of my followers.  I think you are all pretty special people, with great stylishness and I can't think of who better to share the award with me than all of you who make this blog fun!  Please accept this award and click on the followers shown to the side of my blog to visit them.

The rules of the Sunshine Award are:
1. Post the logo on your blog
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers
3. Link the nominees' blogs so others can get to know them
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from

February 17, 2010

Do you Love Nordstrom? Special Shopping Event

I became a loyal Nordie Girl when I realized that I could almost always find a size 5 shoe there, on their website or at Norstrom Rack.  Otherwise, I'm often just out of luck!  For such an unpopular size, it is almost ALWAYS sold out...hhhhhmmmmm....if I were a buyer...

From 9:00am  thru 2:00pm PST, Nordstrom is having a shopping event.  If some of their other shopping events are any indication of this one, I can attest that you can really find some great deals on quality merchandise.  I have never had a Norstrom purchase not last for years!  Enjoy!

February 11, 2010

Spring Up-dos and Full Lips

I'm obsessing over cute up-dos for spring. And hair color. I'm dissatisfied with my color and seriously thinking of going back to blonde (I was blonde for 15 years! Actualy blonde as a young child, then it turned icky).  My new lighter ginger-red color is just not looking vibrant **sigh**.  Reds are definetely harder to maintain than blonde and I had wanted something easier...most of all, I just want it to grow!!  My new issue of Elle just arrived and I was really surprised to see all of the interesting light red colors this season...

These up-dos are adorable

French Twist

Chignon...I wore my long hair this way all the time. So easy to do and instantly ready for a meeting!

I love this model's lips, she looks healthy and fresh.

Found! A fun new blog!

I had started a feature on my home blog about introducing new blogs that I find on Fridays. I had done a few posts (two?!) here also, but that didn't last very long.  However, sometimes, more often than not lately, Fridays are very hectic work-wise.  I'm finding that it is much less stressful to blog as time permits!

I was inspired by a sweet friend to write a post on {le sigh} Paris, so that is something I've started yesterday. Not a huge endeavor, but my creativity has been a bit squashed by statistical demands, so the words are just not flowing as I would like and I'm still working on that one.  Can I just say that I really wish blogger had spell check?  grrrr!  I'm so sloppy in this area because in the office, I can just type like a mad person and their spell check/grammar check will put everything into the proper context.  Except numbers, it won't fix my dyslexia with numbers (haha). {If you truly have dyslexia, I'm sorry for that little joke, but sometimes I do wonder if I don't have a sort of number dyslexia!} Amazing how bad we can become with a crutch such as this!  I want that program for my lap top!

In my bloggy travels, I happened upon a really cute blog called 101 things I Love, written Ms. Johanna.  I enjoyed reading her posts.  She's inspired me to try Yes to Carrots, which I've been very curious about.  Stop by and say hello!

Your guide to a preppy Valentine’s Day

I enjoyed this article from Beth Dunn at Social Climbers blog and wanted to share! 

Your guide to a preppy Valentine’s Day

Posted using ShareThis

February 10, 2010

Lovely Valentines Poem

This is so sweet.  Ahhh...to be so poetic.

February 09, 2010

This is a Dictionary I want to read!

Isn't this the cutest little dictionary?! 
Its being offered at Jayson Home and Garden
It's one dictionary that I would not mind being quizzed about. 

February 03, 2010

New Year Skin Rejuvination

Just in time for spring, I'm 4-weeks into a Skin Rejuvination process to (and this sounds icky, but the dermy said that all light-skinned people in sunny states in particular should do this once per year) remove in pre-cancerous damage from the sun and prepare the skin for lovely things [procedures and fun products]. So, whereever there is damage, the cream will 'burn' it off revealing smooth skin.  I'm was really concerned about how much 'damage' would appear (eventhough I wear SPF 45-60 each day, I know that damage is there). 

She is my inspiration!

February 02, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day! 

I think this should be a day-off-from-work holiday.  We need time to plan outfits now that we know that we have 6 weeks of winter remaining!  (I'm sympathetic for those who live in cold climates and want spring weather...)

How cute is he?!  He would be a fabulous addition to my garden; he could splash about in the waterfall, eat the veggies....

I think it is really cute to read about the little celebrations.  Since I live in a warm climate, there is not much talk of Phil, but I've always enjoyed watching the news and the internet articles about this little celebrity.

Modcloth.com is celebrating!

I love rain wear, but that may be because I don't have the opportunity to wear it very often. 
But at least it can be cheery!